Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Men I Attract Are Afraid of Commitment. What Relationship ...

Article by Nanette Geiger

You?ve come to the right area for Law of Attraction relationship and dating help. This is what I call a great question. Arline, a woman from Brazil,, claims she continues attracting men who refuse commit to a relationship. She wishes to find out how she can change these relationship qualms. It is obvious to see that Arline holds herself responsible for this recurrence. I find a lot of power in applying responsibility for what is happening in your existence. That is a magnificent step in the purposeful creating process. I understand precisely how this you are feeling, because that was my life before I made my huge relationship breakthrough. I continued attracting guys who were afraid of committing. What I did not realize was that I was sending muddied energy. It is wonderful how we can say we want one thing and yet send out a signal that communicates just the exact opposite.

You want to date a person who?s ready to commit to the relationship. You do not want to worry and wonder if he is happy if you are the only one who?s actually committed. The energy of insecurity in the relationship sends further signals of uncertainty. Using Law of Attraction Dating will just mirror back to you even more of the same. You want to harness this vibration by imagining what it feels like to feel right in your love. Do you know what it feel like to realize you?re worthy of being loved unconditionally? Play with the energy of how lovely that feels and you?ll be communicating to the Universe an altogether different life entirely.

We are all incredible creators and we want to realize how to get more of what we want in life and relationships. I coach some very powerful tools in changing your point of creation, called Shifting Focus. You?ll learn about this and much more in my FREE Video The #1 Secret to Finding and Keeping the Love of Your Dreams.

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

You CAN have the Relationship of your Dreams! Download Nanette?s latest FREE Video on the #1 Secret to find and keep the love of your dreams. To all Single dating people Sign Up to learn the techniques to positively using the Law of Attraction in your life and you?ll receive my latest Law of Attraction audio interview as my way of saying Thanks.

This entry was posted in Articles and tagged Advice, Afraid, Attract, Attraction, Commitment., Offer, Relationship by Bob. Bookmark the permalink.


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