The side effects of Lasik eye surgery include dry eyes in most people. Dry eyes are very common and can be very destructive to quality of life. There is a fast, effective remedy. Most people would not consider acupuncture for Lasik dry eyes, but I can tell you it works and it works within minutes.
Ten years ago I got Lasik surgery. I had been told before surgery that I would be far-sighted for a while. They always over-correct vision during surgery, because the way your eyes heal necessitates over-correction for better vision post surgery.
When they over-correct, you can be far sighted. I did research before my surgery to determine which acupuncture points I could use to treat eye problems. There are a lot of points by the eyes that affect the function of the eye. They affect eye function by improving nerve flow and circulation. Acupuncture regulates your body. It stimulates the nerves and helps restore circulation. That is acupuncture in a nutshell. It regulates your body.
There is a point by the eye, called Gall bladder one. It is by the eyes, on the outside of the bony ridge of the eye orbit. When this acupuncture point is stimulated, your eyes can water within minutes. It is a huge relief when you have dry eyes. I did a few acupuncture treatments to completely get rid of dry eyes.
Migraine headaches are also related to the gall bladder meridian. Stress causes the muscles to get tight, this presses on the blood vessels and nerves in the neck and head. When normal blood flow and nerve flow are disrupted, you will have pain. With no circulation, comes pain.
Anywhere this is pain, there is a blockage of circulation. That is Chinese medicine theory. You relax the muscles and restore circulation to relieve the pain. Acupuncture stimulates nerve flow and healthy nerve function. It can be used for any type of pain or dysfunction. Acupuncture can regulate your body. It restores the normal function of your body very quickly.
For more Treating Lasik dry eyes information and how acupuncture can help with other Lasik side effects, then visit Sarah Augen?s site. Sarah Augen has over 10 years experience.
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